raspAIS (A21100)
Mobile AIS Receiver
Mobile 2-channel AIS receiver based on a Raspberry Pi®
Multimedia center for videos and audio content with 4 USB slots

- AIS to go
Multimedia center & Receiver
- 4 USB slots

Product photos
Product information
The new raspAIS from Weatherdock is equipped with a latest generation 2-channel-receiver for parallel and persistant reception of the two AIS frequencies.
The unit picks up all kind of AIS signals:
AIS Class A, AIS Class B, AIS SART, AIS MOB as well as AtoN signals will be received out of the vicinity.
A low power consumption management ensures that as less power as possible will be used running the system.
The collected data will be interpreted and forwarded to a connected mobile device for displaying on an electronic chart.
As the central basic component a Raspberry Pi® Modell 3B is doing a perfect job in the background. Due to the wide range of possible connectivity, received AIS data can be forwarded via WiFi or LAN connection.
- Real parallel AIS reception mode on both AIS
frequencies (161,025 MHz + 162,025 MHz) - High channel sensivity
- Multi-Port data output
- HDMI port
- AUX output for speaker
- LAN and WiFi connectivity
- Pre-installed AIS capable software
- Less power consumption
How to run
With the received AIS data there are several ways to work with the raspAIS for display and navigation:
- via WiFi connection to a smartphone or table
The used mobile device has to be connected to the WiFi network of the raspAIS. Within the AIS capable app on the mobile device IP and port of the raspAIS has to figured in. - via HDMI conection to a PC or TV screen
The integrated AIS software running in the background is managing all neccessary steps to display the position reports of all abjects around you. PC or TV screen is used as huge display. - via WiFi connection to a smartphone or table without AIS app
With a free of charge software running on the used mobile device you will be able to mirroring the raspAIS display. Just connect the mobile device to the WiFi network of the raspAIS.
But the new raspAIS is even more than an AIS receiver. It can also be used as a multimedia center for videos and audio content. 4 USB slots keep enough space for USB storage additional connected to mouse and keyboard.
Technical Data
- 2-Channel VHF receiver for both AIS frequencies
- Connection port for mobile AIS antenna
- Connection ports for USB, LAN, HDMI & 3,5mm audio-out
- WiFi and LAN connectivity
- Pre-installed AIS software „openPlotter“
- based on Raspberry PI® Modell 3B
- palm-sized housing: 85 x 56 x 45mm
- only 150g weight
- external GPS source required