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Weatherdock Academy


– AIS made easy

Deutsch de_DE |

AIS = Automatic Identification System“

We created the Weatherdock Academy to provide you, the user, with detailed information on the function and system in the background.

What? How? When? Why? We would like to give you detailed, but nevertheless easy to understand, answers to all of these questions. They should be able to better assess existing differences in apparently the same products.

In our opinion, basic knowledge and dealing with and questioning a situation is nowhere more important than with the topic “safety on board”. We want your passion for sailing to remain strong and to keep you happy. Your safety is important to us and drives us forward.

Learning content AIS

The AIS technology, introduced by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), for automatic data exchange via special radio frequencies, leads to more safety in shipping. To participate in AIS radio communication, special devices are required that automatically organize the sending and receiving of the data telegrams and without mutual interference.
Learn all about AIS technology here.

AIS - Basics

What is AIS and how does it improve safety at sea?

Class A & Class B

What are the differences and who uses which class?


How do the AIS transmission methods work?


How can AIS help
in an emergency?

All learning content about AIS

AIS - Basics


AIS frequencies:

  • 161.975 MHz (often called channel A = channel 87)
  • 162.025 MHz (often called channel B = channel 88)
Class A & Class B


AIS classes:

  • Class A: Commercial shipping
  • Class B: Pleasure boating



  • Class A – (EN61993-2: 2002)
  • Class B – (IEC 62287-1: 2017)




AIS transmission method::

  • SOTDMA = „Self-Organized Time Division Multiple Access“
  • CSTDMA = „Carrier Sense Time Division Multiple Access“


AIS rescue transmitter:

  • AIS SART = Search and Rescue Transmitter
  • AIS MOB = Man over Board

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