Product Archive
In our Product Archive you will find all Products that are no longer produced
All downloads, such as firmware, software and the operating instructions can be found in the main menu under “Information” > “Downloads” or directly on the product page.
Products listed here are no longer produced.
A10901 easyONE-DSC-CL
AIS MOB + DSC „closed loop“ distress call to improve and fasten up rescue missions
A10902 easyONE-DSC-CL-M
All downloads, such as the manual can be found here under "Downloads". We continue to offer the service for easyONE-DSC-CL devices.Only manual release and therefore ideal for all water sports. 4260276740383 Our easyRESCUE Rescue Transmitters have a basic approval and...
A040-Pro easyRESCUE-PRO
This product is replaced by A040 easyRESCUE-PRO (BT)
AIS S.A.R.T. easyRESCUE-PRO with built-in VHF alert: DSC distress call (MOB)
A109 easyONE
This product is replaced by A10901 easyONE-DSC-CL
AIS MOB with automatical activation and more than 36 hours of battery capacity.
A109-M easyONE-Manual
This product is replaced by A10902 easyONE-M-DSC-CL
This manual activated AIS MOB brings more safety for 100% fun at watersports.
The AIS MOB easyDSC-cl combines with AIS and the DSC Distress Call two different alarm functions in one device and is the perfect solution for the “man overboard” emergency.

Products listed here are no longer produced.
A174 easyRX2S
AIS Receiver for Class A/B signals
A181 easyRX2S-LAN
AIS Receiver for Class A/B signals
Inkl. LAN Modul
A179 easyTRX – SOLAS AIS Class A
AIS Class A | Inland Transponder in cooperation with CNS Systems
A027 easySPLIT OCB
external VHF antenna splitter for ClassB units
A024 easyDVB-T
external DVBT antenna switch for TV reception aboard
A026 easySPLIT
external VHF antenna splitter for AIS receiver
A142 easyTRX2S
AIS ClassB transceiver with integrated 2 channel receiver
A143 easyTRX2S-WiFi
AIS ClassB transceiver with integrated WiFi module for mobile devices
A147 easyTRX2S-iGPS-N2K-WiFi
AIS ClassB with integrated GPS antenna, N2K and Wifi module
A148 easyTRX2S-IS
AIS ClassB transceiver with integrated VHF antenna splitter
A153 easyTRX2S-IS-N2K
AIS ClassB with integrated VHF splitter and internal NMEA2000 converter
A149 easyTRX2S-IS-WiFi
AIS ClassB transceiver with integrated splitter and WiFi module
A156 easyTRX2S-IS-N2K-WiFi
AIS ClassB with integrated Splitter, NMEA2000 adapter and WiFi module
A150 easyTRX2S-IS-IGPS
AIS ClassB transceiver with integrated splitter and internal GPS antena
AIS CLassB with integrated splitter, NMEA2000 adapter and DVBT switch
AIS ClassB with integrated splitter, GPS antenna, DVBT switch, NMEA2000
integrated splitter, GPS Antenna, DVBT splitter, NMEA2000 adapter, WiFi module
AIS Claes B with integrated VHF Splitter and DVBT switch
A155 easyTRX2S-IS-IGPS-N2K
AIS ClassB with Integrated Splitter, GPS antenna and NMEA2000
A151 easyTRX2S-IS-IGPS-WiFi
AIS ClassB with integrated Splitter, internal GPS antenna, WiFi module
AIS ClassB with integrated splitter, GPS antenna and DVBT switch
AIS Transceiver | Class B (CSTDMA)

AIS Receiver
The easytRX2S is an AIS receiver that provides you with the convenience and additional features you need in your daily navigation in a way that you will not find in other devices on the market.

easySPLIT (2. Generation)
VHF/DVB-T Antenna Splitter
Aktive VHF frequensy splitter

Products listed here are no longer produced.
rechargeable VHF locator for real-time object tracking
A21000 easyPOS’N’HOOK
rechargeable VHF locator to mark floating objects
ALARIS100 is a palm-sized portable locator beacon designed for law enforcement and mobile squads. The unit is based on VHF technologies and gives LIVE-GPS-Position-Report of every team-member on customized and encrypted frequencies.
AIS S.A.R.T. in air deployable housing for helicopter mission
A135 easyINFOBOX mobile
Independent AIS System for mobile applications
A138 vmsTRACK
This product is replaced by A193 vmsTRACK-PRO-CS
Real-Time-Tracking via VHF Radio.
Vessel & object monitoring