„Ghost fishing” is a worldwide problem. There are a lot of brave divers who contribute with their work to bring a solution to this problem. They are collecting waste and derelict fishing gear during their dives and they create more public awareness about the serious consequences that this disaster means for our environment.

One of the groups of divers who are doing this valuable work is “GhostFishing”, a member of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative. Weatherdock AG and its partner Holland Marine Hardware, are sponsoring this team. In December 2015, during the assembly of the 45 members of this organization, they delivered the first easyRESCUE- DIVE which will be used to support the divers in the next missions.

“Ghost fishing is a term that describes what happens when derelict fishing gear ‘continues to fish”, this definition and more information can be found in the website of the “GhostFishing” team: www.ghostfishing.org.

We are proud to sponsor this initiative. They help to keep the under-water world clean. We want to help them to dive with safety.


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