How long could your record with the easyTRX3?

The easyTRX3 has a non removeable integrated SD card.

All received AIS targets and the own position is saved.

By USB you can read-out the SD card.

To do that, please first connect the unit with the programming tool and activate that mode.

Please note that within that time, there is no recording of AIS targets and own position.

For more details please have a look into the manual or follow the instructions within the programming tool.


We are using a 4 or 8 GB micro SD card.

With an AIS traffic of e.g. 20% you can safe up to 2 or 4 months.

Rule of thumb: 2GB per month on an AIS traffic with 20%

Exact calculation:

On an AIS traffic with 20%: 20% x 75 slots/sec = 15 Messages per sec.

Each message has 50 characters -> 15 x 50 = 750 characters.

In additon the RMC (own position) is saved which has 66 characters -> 750 + 66 = 816 characters per second

One month has 2.592.000 seconds -> 2.592.000 x 816 characters = -> 2GB


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