FAQ – Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about our products
Do you have a question about one of our products? Take a look at our FAQ, you will often find the right answer here.
FAQ: easyAIS-IS >>>
Yes, only connect your easyAIS-IS to the USB-Port of PC/Laptop. It will emulates a virtual COM-Port. So you can still use your AIS-Software.
FAQ: easyAIS-IS >>>
Take clear if you are in an area with enough AIS-Signals. Test if your antenna-connectors are not bad.
FAQ: easyAIS-IS >>>
Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie das USB-Kabel bzw. Power/Daten-Kabel richtig am PC/Plotter angebracht haben. Dies können Sie mit dem Standard Windowsprogramm “Hyperterminal” testen. Dieses finden Sie unter Start/Programme/Zubehör/Kommunikation/Hyperterminal Wählen Sie dort den richtigen Port aus an dem Sie den easyAIS-IS angeschlossen haben. Außerdem müssen folgende Einstellungen vornehmen: Bits pro Sekunde: 38400; Datenbits: 8; Parität: keine; Stoppbits: 1; Flusssteuerung: Hardware; bestätigen Sie mit okay. Sie sollten im Fenster nun NMEA-Daten sehen wie folgt: !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13u?etPv2;0n:dDPwUM1U1Cb069D,0*24 Sie haben alles richtig gemacht.
FAQ: easyAIS-IS >>>
Yes, the easyAIS-IS has an integrated USB-Chip. So you can connect your PC with easyAIS-IS by using the USB-Cable enclosed in package. You also can use the RS232 Interface by using SUB D 9 Female. Only connect the white cable with Pin 2, the green one on Pin 5. You can watch the NMEA-Data on window by using Hyperterminal.
FAQ: easyAIS-IS >>>
No, installation can be quite arbitrary. Fins operate more than adequate in any position.
FAQ: easyAIS-IS >>>
Yes, that is no problem. But it´s necessary that your chartplotter can use the baudrate of 38400.
You cannot change this as it was possible on easyAIS 2.Gen.
So if you have a chartplotter which only work´s with 4800baud you should take the easyAIS 2.Gen or work with your PC by means of the USB-cable.